We’ve all been there: we go out for a delicious, pricey meal and then the waiter asks, “How would you like to tip?” In the United States, tipping is customary. However, in many other countries around the world, it is not. So how do you know what to do when traveling abroad?
In the UAE, tipping customs are different from those of America.
When dining at restaurants in Dubai or Abu Dhabi, it is always customary to
leave a 15% gratuity on top of your total bill amount. This can be difficult if
you don’t have any idea how much that will be!
Luckily for you, this Gratuity Calculator in UAE can help with that!
Simply enter the total amount of your bill and the number of people dining, and
review the gratuity you should leave.
Allowing waiters to live comfortably is not only essential but
also customary in Dubai; they are expected to be compensated for their
services, just like servers at home. While 15% might seem steep, remember that
this is considered a part of the server’s salary.
And remember if you do feel that your experience has been poor,
tipping for poor service is not necessary and is considered rude! If you know
that you will be dining out in the UAE, make sure to check out this Gratuity
Calculator in UAE to help calculate your gratuity.
However, with the help of this Gratuity calculator in UAE,
figuring out what is a suitable gratuity for you and your party has never been
easier! All you have to do is input a few details such as total bill amount and
number of guests and it will tally up your gratuity for you!
Gratuity Calculator is Easy
to Use to find your Gratuity in Dubai
The gratuity calculator in UAE can also be used for
tipping at bars and cafes. For example, you could go out for a coffee with
friends and leave $2 as a tip to the barista! Whether or not it is customary to
tip at your specific location should always be researched before traveling.
However, it is safe to say that tipping at cafes and bars is far more common
and expected than tipping hotel staff and taxi drivers, for example.
As a general rule of thumb: the higher the bill amount, the
higher the gratuity should be.
The Gratuity Calculator in UAE will help you to figure out how
much exactly 15% of your restaurant bill amounts to.
All in all, tipping customs around the world are
different depending on where you’re traveling. With this Gratuity Calculator in
UAE, it has never been easier to understand how much gratuity is expected at
your favorite Emirati restaurant!
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